Daily Habits Part 2

Hello everyone, Happy February! Today I will be once again talking about daily habits.

Let’s start again with planking, as you know we planked from some time in November to the 17th of December. As you may remember we started of with 30 seconds and slowly added 10 seconds every two days. During our last week the days 12-17 of December, we added 30 seconds every day. At the end our final plank time was about 3:30 minutes. I’m not sure however so that I’ll need to figure out some other time. That’s enough about planking.

Now let’s  start with my January daily habit. My daily habit was to run every day. When I started I found it difficult to run long distances because I hadn’t ran in a few months. I started with a simple path around my neighborhood, it is two circles. If you run both of them you get a total of 1.04 miles. After a while I lost motivation and began to only run for about 5 minutes, which got me about half a mile. Now that is a new month I am choosing to change it.

You might be wondering what I am going to change it to, well after running I decided I needed to rest, and knowing that I though about what I found relaxing, I finally realized what it was and I realized it was a reading. So I decided to read 3 chapters of my books every night!


I hope you choose some daily habits at some point, as the help you reach goals.











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